Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Are Your Kids Getting Fat This Summer?

More and more schools are addressing the problem of childhood obesity with increased activity and better food choices, but here's the problem. What happens when kids leave the structure of school for the summer?

They gain weight according to a recent study conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Gone are the days of our childhood, when we were sent out of the house in the morning to play in the neighborhood and returned for meals. We live in a different world -- yet, our kids need to be active.

Here are some tips to keep your kids healthy this summer:

Skip the soda. Kids need water, and lots of it. Soda, powdered drink mixes, and juices add calories your kids don't need and have trouble burning off. If your kids don't like water, try adding a splash of 100% juice or juice flavored ice cubes. If your kids are active outside on days warmer than 90 degrees you might consider giving them a sports drink -- but they don't need the added calories or sodium otherwise.

Structure when they eat. Eat at the table for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Limit snacking to once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Snacks should be small and include fresh fruits and vegetables when possible.

Limit TV time. One or two hours of television or computer/video game time per day is plenty.

Plan something active. Everyday make sure your kids are moving for about an hour. This can be split into two 30 minute sessions or three 15 minute sessions. Walking the dog, mowing the lawn, cleaning up around the house are all good ways the kids can help and be active at the same time. Don't forget about fun games like tag or even playing in the sprinkler. Simply playing at the playground or shooting baskets can get them moving.

Keep out the junk. If the chips aren't in the house, the kids won't eat them. Fill your cupboards and fridge with healthy snack choices.

Of course, all of these tricks will help parent stay healthy this summer too!
By Eliz Greene

Blood Sugar and Stress

According to the National Center for Health Statistics:
• One third of all adult Americans are obese (20% above your ideal body weight).
• The average weight of young American adults increased 10 pounds in seven years.
• 21% of American children are overweight (15% increase since 1980).
• Over 20% of youths 6-17 years old are obese.
• 71% of Americans age 25 and over are overweight (up from 58% in 1983).

The failure to address these specific health problems has contributed to the steep rise in health care costs. According to government studies, obesity-related conditions are costing over $100 billion a year and causing 300,000 premature deaths in America per year. The U.S. Surgeon General’s report on nutrition and health states that about 35 million Americans have serious health problems related to being overweight. Obesity dramatically increases the risk of developing heart disease (baby boomers are beginning to suffer heart attacks, driving up cardiovascular deaths for the first time since 1980, according to the American Heart Association). Obesity increases the risks of diabetes, high blood pressure and digestive and pulmonary diseases.

Everyone wants to lose weight but people are inundated with conflicting, often misleading, but above all, unstructured information about how to lose weight. There are answers and they all have to do with understanding metabolic stress. It has everything to do with becoming healthy and reducing the total amount of stress on your system. Let’s look at one kind of metabolic stress.

Blood sugar regulation is one of the most critical problems associated with metabolic stress. What does it really mean? Your body makes insulin to help you regulate the sugars you eat. Here is how it works:

Hypoglycemia. People with low blood sugar can be extremely sensitive to insulin. Sugar is quickly pulled out of the blood and either stored as fat or made into energy. Unless these people can compensate for this sugar imbalance they will have extremely low blood and brain sugar levels. There are literally no limits to the physical, mental and emotional hypoglycemic symptoms these people experience.

People are not sensitive to insulin. They produce tremendous amounts of insulin in a desperate attempt to push the sugar out of the blood into the tissues, but to no avail. The chronically high levels of insulin levels of these people set off a chain of reactions. One is Adult Onset Diabetes. Liver function goes way down, blood pressure goes way up, hormone systems are not efficient and the person begins to age prematurely because of this stress.

Now the body functions poorly. Stressfully. This metabolic stress causes overload on the entire system. You have to change the imbalances.

What do you do? Start by cleaning up your diet. I mean CLEAN it up. Stop eating junk. You must realize that 75%-90% of your diet has to be raw. Yes, out of the garden. There’s a whole other world out there. The majority of your groceries have to come from the produce section of the market. If you can get your food at a local farmer’s market, even better. Eating for health has to become a priority. Eating for pleasure has to disappear.

Metabolic stress is just one of the six major stresses that you have. It is a major one nonetheless. So let’s make it a priority this year because you have five more to go to clear out to become healthy.
By Dr Peter Lind

Anxiety Attack Symptoms - How to Deal

Anxiety attack symptoms are more or less the same feelings we might experience if we feel danger is about to happen. They are sometimes misunderstood for heart attack symptoms. Anxiety Attack Symptoms are pretty awful and can come upon anyone at any time in their life. Often, they manifest themselves as a short term burst of intense fear out of no known medical cause. The good news is, anxiety attack symptoms are well documented and can be identified with a little bit of effort.

Your Anxiety

High to moderate levels of anxiety can lead to physical symptoms such as nausea. Anxiety will make you see the slightest problem seem insurmountable, your ability to deal with it less than zero, and will provoke hyperventilation and even heart palpitations. Anxiety, if left untreated will first transform into depression, and then at times people end their lives, mostly because they feel helpless. Anxiety disorders are just as painful as other disorders and Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD is a severe form of anxiety disorder. Anxiety attack symptoms can be divided in two categories: physical and psychological (or emotional).

The Anxiety Attack

Most people that experience one anxiety attack will usually experience further attacks, and those who have recurring anxiety attacks, or feel severe anxiety about having another are said to have panic disorder. A normal person may experience one or more of these anxiety attack symptoms from time to time. Possible situations where anxiety attack symptoms can occur include:

· When driving a car
· Moving through crowded areas
· Getting on an airplane
· When sleeping at night.

Once you accept you are having anxiety attacks, and can control your mind when having them, you will regain control. Shortness of breath is the most frequent anxiety attack symptom. The simple advice here is that if you are experiencing shortness of breath, realize that this is just part of an anxiety attack and your world is not caving in. Then there are the times that a person who suffers from anxiety attacks will rationalize their anxious feelings by claiming that ordinary people would feel the same way were they placed in the exact situation. The other method that the brain will use as a defense against anxiety attacks manifests itself in the form of physical complaints and illnesses.


Panic disorder is characterized by panic attacks. This disorder is characterized by chronic worrying and repeated episodes of anxiety or panic attacks. Shortness of breath is just expression of everything else you are already experiencing with your panic attack. Even if you have only suffered panic attack symptoms once you will want to prevent any kind of recurrence. A doctor will need to correctly identify any one of these disorders before making a correct diagnosis of panic disorder. There are people who become housebound due to their fear of being in crowded places or even open places where they might become vulnerable to the terror of panic attacks. The consequences of panic complaint ranges from moderate to being socially impaired to the new serious and debilitating condition of agoraphobia, where you are housebound for a large part of your life as you try to anticipate and avoid another panic attack. The good news (especially if you are one of the three million Americans who experienced multiple panic attacks) is that there are ways to control panic attack symptoms.

If anxiety attack symptoms are always showing up and negatively affecting your lifestyle, you have to take immediate action to cure your anxiety. The problem is many who suffer anxiety attack symptoms are oblivious to the fact anxiety is at play in their lives. While there are many ways of treating anxiety attacks, its first important to identify what your anxiety attack symptoms are. These physical anxiety attack symptoms are usually accompanied by strange or depressing thoughts and feelings of despair. Sometimes anxiety attack symptoms are triggered by external events, while other times they happen for no understandable reason. There are many ways of treating anxiety attacks, it’s first important to identify what your anxiety attack symptoms are. Remember that anxiety can be treated and once you learn to control your attack, you’ll have your life back.
By Amber Snow

Stop Smoking - It Can Worsen Depression and Bad Moods

Just when we thought there were enough cancer, heart disease and stroke reasons to stop smoking, comes another research finding that should help convince smokers to dump the habit. A new UK study has discovered that cigarettes can make depression worse in people who smoke. The research has also revealed that long-term nicotine addiction can deplete the brain of natural mood-boosting chemicals. This addiction, which some say is harder to beat than coming off heroin, seems to actually act the opposite way to anti-depression drugs. The study found that all too often, people who suffer from anxiety and other mental disorders mistakenly use smoking as self-medication, when, in fact, it is directly contributing to their bad moods and depression.

Up to 90% of smokers who quit smoking by cold turkey, go back to cigarettes in the first three months of quitting. Many people addicted to nicotine make five or more attempts to quit, before they are successful. A key mistake that many make is to turn to alcohol to replace cigarettes, which is like jumping from the frying pan into the fire because alcohol causes its own well known serious health problems. Others use the excuse that they will gain weight if they give up cigarettes, when research shows that smokers normally will not gain more than 10 pounds when they quit cigarettes.

Regular exercise and a change in your routine will also help reduce your craving for nicotine, by introducing mood-enhancing endorphins to your brain. Exercise will also help offset any weight effects of giving up cigarettes. Some simple ways to develop a non-smoking lifestyle are to throw out ashtrays and any packets of cigarettes you have lying around, because they remain keys to temptation, almost silently asking you to light up again. You should also avoid any usual haunts where you mingled with other smokers, in smoking environments. Make you new environment reflect your new non-smoking life. Smokers become accustomed to having something in their mouths; something for their hands to do, so chewing gum may help, or, better still, keep some healthy carrots or celery around to munch on when you feel the urge for another cigarette. One method, which has demonstrated up to a 60% success rate in helping smokers quit, is hypnotism. People have used professional hypno-therapists, or recordings of professional hypnosis sessions, to ensure that both their conscious and subconscious minds are aligned in their desire to give up nicotine.

By using readily-available recorded stop smoking hypnosis sessions, people seeking to quit can listen to these regularly, in the comfort of their own home, to actually develop a non-smoking habit.
By Ross Storey

The Best Quit Smoking Support

If you are a smoker and you want to quit, you have to be serious about it. The best quit smoking support you can have is true friends and family. I have been around people who have smoked my whole life. At one point or another these people have said that they were in control and could stop, but there actions have spoken louder than there words.

I am not a smoker, but I have witnessed many people that I love and know live a life totally controlled by tobacco, and its had a profound affect on me. One of those people was my grandfather. He ended up dying at 67 from throat cancer because of his smoking habit that he picked up as a young adult.

About ten years before he died, he lost his voice and then started wearing a trachea to help him breath functionally. During that time my uncle ( my grandfathers son ) ended up having a similar complication, and was soon issued a trachea because of smoking. Right before my grandfather died I remember being a young boy, and sitting across from him right before he was to go to the hospital.

My grandfather never really expressed his emotions that much, as I remember him being more of a stoic man than anything else. However, what he said to me that day stuck out harshly and will remain in my mind for years to come. He said, 'Don't drink, and don't ever smoke.' It was one of the only true memories that stuck out to me concerning advise that my grandfather gave me that was sincere and emotional. That little peice of advise has played a huge part for me in how I view tobacco.

During my grandfathers funeral I found it ironic and sad to see so many people from my dads side of the family smoking before and after the service. I remember all of my cousins, aunts, and uncles having a cigarette in there mouth at one time or another during that day, and it really hadn't really impacted me until I saw them all together for the funeral. To this day they all still smoke very heavily, except for my uncle that has the trachea. He soon quit after he saw his father pass away from the disease. The only other person on my fathers side of the family who doesn't smoke is my grandmother, who is alive and well.

My best friend is also a smoker, and he started about two years ago. He has tried numerous times to quit on his own using the gum, patches, and just sheer willpower, but he has failed with no avail. There are times when he gets extremely frustrated because he wants to become a pilot but most of the major airline industries don't allow pilots who are smokers to work for them. Many times he would ask me to help him quit smoking just by being there. He would calm down considerably when I was around him, knowing that he was accountable to me. Before my friend moved away he started smoking about once or twice a day, and since I have talked to him its up to at least a pack a half a week.

Looking back on the people that I know that have had there life's completely altered by tobacco, I am glad that I never started the habit. I am concerned for my friend and my dads side of the family. I hope they either try to stop with someone they know that can be accountable to them, or get real help, because I don't want to see them end up like my grandfather.
By Brett Manard

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Arbonne Skin Care To The Rescue - Earth Friendly and Cruelty Free

If you are looking for a healthy way to take care of your skin, and protect the environment, look no further than Arbonne Pure Swiss Skin Care, formulated in Switzerland and proudly made in the USA.

The high quality gentle soaps include a special line for babies and young children. Teens, with troubled skin, will find their needs met with Arbonne Clear Advantage. Young, middle-aged and maturing women will find the right product for their specific skin type: from hydrating to light moisturizing to anti-aging. The anti-aging comes in two different formulas - one for men and one for women. The anti-aging umbrella of products includes the “Before Sun” product line. This unique formula assists in getting aging under control before heading out to the beach, the garden or daily life!

Arbonne is a unique skin care line that includes vitamins, aromatherapy bath salts and body cream, and weight-loss vitamins.

Arbonne has taken skin care to the next level with their hypo-allergenic, botanically-based products. They look at the body holistically, as an entire entity, with the philosophy that excellent skin care starts within, by taking vitamins and eating wholesome foods.

The skin care products and vitamins work in unison. The different vitamin and skin care lines are designed to meet the needs of children, teens and adults.

Additionally, there is a natural skin care product for different parts of the body, (not just the face) that makes this line exceptional. Also, the cellulite cream is designed to work with the shower scrub.

Look under the “Vanish 8” series. This special body lotion for balanced skin comes in a pump which automatically dispenses the right amount for ideal use.

The Arbonne basic body and skin care line can be purchased at specially packaged group prices. Packages include the cleanser, toner, moisturizer (day and night), as well as specially formulated masks for your skin type. The body care line also provides special packaging to include bath and body products. Other enticing purchases are the PWP’s (purchase with a purchase) specialty items.

Arbonne skin care products are pH correct to insure maximum benefit and they are dermatology tested. Their products are never tested on animals nor do they use any animal products or by-products. Since Arbonne products are formulated without mineral oil or chemical dyes or fragrances, they can be used on even the most sensitive skin. If you have an extreme condition, however, please consult your doctor before using this or any other skin care product.

It's one thing to take care of your skin, it's quite another to do so naturally, without harmful chemical products, and without harming animals or the environment.
By Linda Woods

The Best Ways to Quit Smoking for Good

I know that when I was trying to quit smoking it was one of the most difficult times of my life. Sure I had tried to quit many times, and some times I was even successful for a brief period of time, but I always found my way back to the comfort zone, and in my case that was holding a cigarette. So what was it that made me finally kick the habit for good, and what are the best ways to quit smoking?

There are so many different ways that you can quit. You could try anything from nicotine gum to the patch to laser therapy. The options are pretty much limitless anymore, and there are several ways that promise to help you to quit without any cravings at all. I give up the habit before any of these new ways to quit were even around, and from what I understand they will take away some of the physical cravings, but you and I both know that the mental cravings are the worst. So what can you do to guarantee success?

The best ways to quit smoking have always been through preparation and willpower. You need to make you mind up that is what you want to do and that you are going to do it no matter what. Then you need to prepare yourself for life without smoking. Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't try one of the new gadgets that are said to help you quit, but you should still prepare for the worst, and make sure that you can fill any negative void in your life with a positive influence. Stick with the program, prepare in advance and don't let failure be an option.
By Tim Shank

Doing This Regularly Will Help Cut Your Depression By Up To 50% Or More

Does depression sometimes get the best of you? Hey, it happens to the best of us! Let me ask you this, what are you currently doing about it? Are you sitting on your rear end on the "pity pot"? Are you taking a whole bunch of medications hoping that they'll make you feel better? Did you know that antidepressant medications are only partially effective at best on 70% of the people that take them? I was shocked at this number too, but I guess I should've known. After all, why in the world would the doctor have me taking so many different types of meds over time?

You want to know something? I still get the blues from time to time, it's something that I just have to learn to live with, however, I found one way that seems to help more than anything else I've ever done. As a matter of fact, I'm almost certain that it will help you too. Would you like to know what it is? All right, here it is.

The way that I'm talking about is by exercising regularly. I'm talking 5-6 days each week without fail. You don't have to hurt yourself when you do it, but stretching yourself well from head to toe and knocking out 10-15 minutes worth of calisthenics, followed by a thirty minute walk won't kill anyone. If you're new to exercise then cut the workout time down to one third until you start getting used to it. After a month or so increase it one third and then do the same thing again in another month. I know that it sounds "hard" and I can almost guarantee that 95% of the people reading this won't do a thing but continue to whine, but for those that do, I congratulate you. You'll soon see that I'm right!
By Joe Stevens

Teenage Obesity Results In Premature Death

Obesity has been growing rapidly in the adult population of many western nations for some years now and is officially at epidemic proportions. This is worrying enough in itself, but of much more concern perhaps should be the increasing incidence of obesity in adolescents and even younger children. In the United States today obesity is seen in more than 15 percent of teenagers and this figure is rising steadily.

So just what are the risks from obese teenagers?

The risks in teenagers are very much the same as those seen in adults and include sleep apnea, high blood pressure and the development of coronary diseases amongst other things. However, most importantly, obesity in your teenage years can actually lead to your premature death.

In 1989 the National Institute for Health funded a study designed to follow the health of a large group of young women over an extended period and to look, amongst other things, at diet and lifestyle risks. More than 100,000 women (employed as nurses across the United States in states including California, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas and others) between the ages of 24 and 44 were enrolled into the study.

All of those taking part in the study completed a comprehensive questionnaire at the outset, which included details of their medical history and such things as their weight during their teenage years, and were then closely monitored over a 12 year period.

During the period of the study a total of 710 of the participant died and when the researchers studied these deaths they discovered that there was a connection between obesity in these women in their teenage years and premature death. Indeed, the study showed that women who were obese as teenagers were at three times more risk of premature death than those of normal weight.

Today a great deal of attention is being focused upon finding a solution to the growing problem of obesity and this is quite rightly creating considerable research into the problem itself. As each day passes we are beginning to understand the risks of obesity more and more and the figures being produced by a whole range of studies make quite frightening reading.

Let us hope that it is not too long before we find a solution and reverse this rising trend in obesity.
By Donald Saunders

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Ways To Build Muscle Fast

I receive emails everyday from aspiring lifters all over the world, and one of the most common questions I'm asked is...

"Do I have to join a gym in order to build a strong, muscular body?"
The answer, my friend, is no. With the right equipment and planning you can follow an equally effective bodybuilding program from the comfort of your home without ever having to set foot in a gym.

In fact, my first 2 years of bodybuilding were spent working out with basic equipment in my basement, and I saw incredible results doing this.

Maybe you can't afford a gym membership due to your financial situation.

Maybe you lead a busy lifestyle and would prefer to save time by training at home.

Maybe you're simply too embarrassed or uncomfortable to train in a regular gym setting at the moment.

Whatever your reason, don't worry!
I currently workout at a gym with my training partner but have to say that my years spent lifting at home were fantastic.

I didn't have to worry about the travel time to and from the gym. I could simply slip downstairs whenever I felt like it and all of my equipment was there waiting for me.
I could listen to whatever music I wanted to, as loud as I wanted to without having to worry about those around me.

I could grunt, yelp and scream through my sets if I was in the mood without disturbing anyone (hey, squatting to failure isn't easy okay?) or train shirtless if I felt like it.
When the workout was over, I could sprawl out on the floor in exhaustion and know that my post workout shakes were just a few steps away, and that I wouldn't have to hobble to my car and spend anymore time driving home.
It was great.

The only real disadvantage is that your exercise selection will decrease because you won't have access to certain pieces of machinery such as a leg press or calf machine. You can purchase certain machines if you have the money to spend and plan on training at home over the long term, but for the majority of people this simply won't be possible.
The good news is that planning out a proper bodybuilding routine does not require the use of any fancy equipment, and all of the machine exercises that you would regularly perform can be swapped for freeweight substitutions.

Here is the basic equipment that your home gym should contain:
1) An adjustable barbell with freeweight plates – A cast iron set is probably a good idea, and you must also make sure that you purchase enough weight so that you can continually progress from week to week.

2) Adjustable dumbbells – This is much more efficient and cost-effective than purchasing an entire set of dumbbells. You should be able to buy the barbell and dumbbells together in a single set.

3) A bench with incline adjustments – A good sturdy bench is a must-have for performing bench presses and other seated movements. If possible you should purchase a bench that can be set on an incline and that also contains safety catches if you plan on training alone.

4) A chin-up bar – These can usually be purchased for 15-20 dollars and can be placed inside of a door frame.

5) A squat rack – This is usually the trickiest piece of equipment to purchase, as a full squat rack can be pricey. Squats are an irreplaceable movement and should always be a part of your workout routine, especially if you don't have a leg press machine handy.

If you can't afford a squat rack then you'll have to be creative. The bottom line is that you must have some sort of apparatus that will allow you to safely unrack a loaded bar and drop the bar onto a safety catch (or the floor) if your strength gives out during the lift.

Don't ever squat without a safe place to drop the bar! Most full squat racks will also provide a chin-up bar on top, so you can kill 2 birds with one stone if you decide to purchase one.
So there you have it; the 5 pieces of basic equipment that are needed to set up a home gym. As long as you have these basic tools in your arsenal you can perform an equally effective workout without ever having to join a traditional gym.

If you're all set to go and need a highly effective, step-by-step workout routine to follow, visit my webpage below. I can teach you exactly which exercises to perform and the ideal number of workout days, sets and reps you should use to get maximum results from your efforts. I can even customize a specific workout plan for you based on the equipment that is available in your home gym...
By Andrew Alford

How to Achieve Your Goals In Your Sleep

Most people would like to change something about their lives. For some, it's becoming more organized. For others it’s losing weight. But no matter what the goal, making changes in your life can be extremely difficult.

Most personal development specialists, regardless of their field, suggest that the most effective agent for change is the subconscious mind. So wouldn’t it be great if there were a simple way to instruct your subconscious mind to change?

This question haunted Eldon Taylor, who spent over 25 years researching the field of the subconscious motivation. The culmination of this research has been the development of InnerTalk® CD’s. These CD’s are extremely effective and easy to use - you simply play them in the background while you are working, driving, relaxing, reading, playing sports, even sleeping or watching TV. No conscious thought or effort is required to produce dramatic and automatic results.

I know. I know. It sounds too good to be true. But Inner Talk receives thousands of testimonials swearing their products work. Not only that but they offer a money-back guarantee if after using their products for 1 hour a day for 30 days you don't begin to experience a shift in your attitudes or behaviour.

One fan of Inner Talk, Jane Hackett, who runs a PR consultancy in Surrey, England told her story to “The Mail on Sunday, You Magazine” on February 11 2007. She had this to say...
“When, five years ago, a good friend handed me a CD (Inner Talk’s “Weight Loss Now”) and told me it would end my 15-year battle with my weight I almost burst out laughing. Given that every other weight-loss technique I’d tried had failed I could hardly believe that a CD would make a difference. For a start I wasn’t sure I believed in things like the power of subliminal messages.

(But) I was getting desperate and was prepared to try anything, even if it sounded a bit wacky. When I put it on it sounded like banal hotel lobby music, but if I turned it up very loud I could hear a man’s voice whispering positive messages such as ‘I like healthy food’ and ‘I take care of my body’. At normal volume though all you can hear is the music.

I started listening to it in the car every day and in the evening at home too. Within a week I’d noticed I’d gone off junk food. Usually I’d do things like munch on a packet of crisps while doing the supermarket shopping, but I no longer craved such snacks. I also started feeling thirstier and began drinking more water.

Within a fortnight of listening to the CD, I’d lost four pounds. At the end of two months I’d lost three quarters of a stone and friends began to compliment me on my weight loss. My whole diet had completely changed. Suddenly I wanted to eat fruit, vegetables and lean meat.
Still for a long time I was sceptical. Weight loss had always been so difficult and this seemed too easy to be true. Yet it was impossible to deny that the CD was working. For the past for years I’ve maintained my weight at 8 ½ stone and a healthy size 10. I listened to the CD every day for two years, but now I just keep it in the drawer for emergencies.... I just wish I’d got my hands on that CD earlier in my life. I could have saved myself a lot of heartache.”

Weight Loss is only one of the hundreds of diverse titles available through Inner Talk. Other topics include: Weight Loss now, Freedom from Cigarettes/ Alcohol, Manifesting Your Vision, Networking For Sales, Fountain of Youth, Ultra Success & Wealth, Business Success, Quantum Younging, Positive Relationships and many more.
Author: Ruth Clare/J Prydie Freelance writer for holistic/alternative medicine Mono Designs Pty Ltd Melbourne Australia

Hypnosis For Weight Loss

Using Hypnosis for Weight Loss is one of the most common ways that people use the power of hypnotism.
It doesn't matter what method you are using for your diet, hypnosis can help you to get rid of those unsightly pounds.
It's simple to do. Just play the hypnosis track on your iPod or whatever. Naturally, make sure that you're not doing anything else at the same time - it would be foolish to put yourself into a hypnotic trance whilst you are driving, for instance. But apart from that simple precaution, it really is a case of sit back and listen, letting the hypnosis weight loss track do the hard work.
So what can you expect?
Firstly, you'll be taken down into a state known as trance. You've experienced it before but probably called it day dreaming.
Then, once you're nice and relaxed, your subconscious mind will be given a series of suggestions. Don't worry, you won't be changed into some kind of lettuce eating freak. The suggestions will be sensible and will help you to live with your diet, rather than it controlling you.
Quite often people fall asleep or doze in and out of consciousness during that phase. That's perfectly normal, so if it happens to you, don't worry.
Finally, you'll be brought back into the real world, feeling refreshed and raring to go. With all the new suggestions to help you with your diet sitting in your mind, ready to come to your aid. That's really all there is to it - check out some hypnosis aids to weight loss now.
By Carl Walker

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Easy and Effective Weight Loss Does Not Involve Products, Diets or Foods - It's an Inside Job

It turns out that the best weight loss products may not be products at all! It may simply be a better, healthier use of your time.

The number one reason people overeat is for emotional reasons and the number one emotion is stress. The antidote to stress can’t be purchased; it must be learned. It’s relaxation.

In our world, there seems to be 2 speeds: Pedal to the metal and sleep. We scarcely take the time to go to the bathroom when we need to, much less nourish our bodies and souls. The way to lose weight and keep it off, is to change the underlying issues and not go on another diet! The biggest problem with dieting is that it removes your coping tool—food—and doesn’t replace it. Of course you regain weight after the diet is over. You haven’t learned how to KEEP IT OFF!

Here are ten EASY ways to lose that excess weight and NOT find it again.

1. Eat less. You don’t need separate methods of weight loss and weight maintenance. The tools you use to take the weight off are the same tools you’ll use to keep it off.
2. Eat healthier. Drive by the drive thru.
3. Eat more often. Please don’t be caught by surprise when you get hungry during the day. It has happened to you every day of your life. Plan for it by having healthy food available and take a moment to eat it. Do NOT eat 4-5 small MEALS a day. Eat 5 TIMES a day: An piece of fruit or a small slice of cheese or a few almonds—all qualify as one of the 4-5 times you eat during the day.
4. Go for a walk. If you have no other exercise plan, this is the best, cheapest, easiest way to begin to get into better shape. Walk 10 minutes in a straight line, then turn around and walk back. Twenty minutes is about 1/100th of your day. You have the time. Your job is to make your own health enough of a priority that you take the time.
5. Feel your feelings instead of eat them. When you have the urge to eat quickly ask yourself what you’re feeling. If it’s not hunger, take a moment to feel your emotion, to ask why you’re feeling it and what might you do that will really help the feeling instead of stuffing it down with food.
6. Always leave food on your plate. If you clean your plate, then the food has decided when you quit eating. Do you really want food to have that much power over you? Leaving food on your plate tells your subconscious mind that food is really no big deal anymore.
7. Learn how to “idle.” We do “stop and go” very well. Just sit and listen to music with your eyes closed, learn to meditate, play a hypnosis CD—all of these will help you slow down a bit, which will reduce your stress, which will reduce your stress eating.
8. Try a meat-free day occasionally. Most Americans eat too much meat which is up to 70% fat. Try ordering something vegetarian when dining out. You might just like it.
9. Reduce your sugar and flour intake. White flour foods turn into sugar in your mouth. Unused sugar in your body turns into saturated fat.
10. Don’t take it all too seriously. Laugh more, enjoy life despite your weight, have fun and get interested in something outside of yourself. At least once a day, pretend it’s recess and GO PLAY!

According to author and lecturer, Wayne Dyer, “You can never get enough of what you really don’t want.” For example, if you really want companionship, all the ice cream in the world won’t provide that for you.

Begin to recognize your real needs and fulfill them and you’ll automatically eat less and feel much, much better!

Katie Evans is the founder and CEO of the Living Lite Weight Loss Program, which shows people HOW to create a healthier lifestyle. When you use hypnosis and the incredible power of your subconscious mind, you will never diet again, you will simply learn how to create a new relationship with food. For those who wish to make a living helping people heal their lives so they can lose weight and keep it off, there are now Living Lite Licenses available.This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to own her own business (we accept men licensees, too!) and still have support and guidance in setting up the systems. Ms. Evans is a published author, lecturer and entrepreneur. She also teaches "The Mental Game of Golf" on cruise ships.
By Katie Evans

How To Help Yourself If You Are Depressed

Depressive disorders make one feel exhausted, worthless, helpless, and hopeless. Such negative thoughts and feelings make some people feel like giving up. It is important to realize that these negative views are part of the depression and typically do not accurately reflect the actual circumstances. Negative thinking fades as treatment begins to take effect. In the meantime:

Set realistic goals in light of the depression and assume a reasonable amount of responsibility.

Break large tasks into small ones, set some priorities, and do what you can as you can.

Try to be with other people and to confide in someone; it is usually better than being alone and secretive.

Participate in activities that may make you feel better.

Mild exercise, going to a movie, a ballgame, or participating in religious, social, or other activities may help.

Expect your mood to improve gradually, not immediately. Feeling better takes time.

It is advisable to postpone important decisions until the depression has lifted. Before deciding to make a significant transition change jobs, get married or divorced discuss it with others who know you well and have a more objective view of your situation.

People rarely "snap out of" a depression. But they can feel a little better day-by-day.

Remember, positive thinking will replace the negative thinking that is part of the depression and will disappear as your depression responds to treatment.

Let your family and friends help you.

How Family and Friends Can Help the Depressed Person

The most important thing anyone can do for the depressed person is to help him or her get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. This may involve encouraging the individual to stay with treatment until symptoms begin to abate (several weeks), or to seek different treatment if no improvement occurs.

On occasion, it may require making an appointment and accompanying the depressed person to the doctor. It may also mean monitoring whether the depressed person is taking medication. The depressed person should be encouraged to obey the doctor's orders about the use of alcoholic products while on medication.

The second most important thing is to offer emotional support. This involves understanding, patience, affection, and encouragement. Engage the depressed person in conversation and listen carefully. Do not disparage feelings expressed, but point out realities and offer hope. Do not ignore remarks about suicide. Report them to the depressed person's therapist. Invite the depressed person for walks, outings, to the movies, and other activities. Be gently insistent if your invitation is refused. Encourage participation in some activities that once gave pleasure, such as hobbies, sports, religious or cultural activities, but do not push the depressed person to undertake too much too soon. The depressed person needs diversion and company, but too many demands can increase feelings of failure.

Do not accuse the depressed person of faking illness or of laziness, or expect him or her "to snap out of it." Eventually, with treatment, most people do get better. Keep that in mind, and keep reassuring the depressed person that, with time and help, he or she will feel better.
By Gus Hoover

Anti-Aging Vitamins - They Exist, We Can All Get Them, And Here Is How!

First of all, let us take a look at what anti-aging vitamins means. Anti-aging vitamins are those that help reduce the cellular breakdown. We all know that vitamins are obtained from the foods we eat. But, is the food we eat really giving us the vitamins we need in our diets? What is the nutritional value of our food? The refining and process of our foods has decreased the nutritional value of our foods. So how can we get the real anti-aging vitamins? Supplementation is the way many adults get much of if not all of the minimum recommended dosages.

Let's see what the media and Hollywood tells us about anti-aging. In the movie "Big", Tom Hanks' character wished he could be big. In the movie "13 going on 30" there is a similar premise of getting bigger in a short period of time thus avoiding the many mistakes and experiences of childhood.

These Hollywood stories show adults skipping over their youth while the actors and actresses attempt to minimize the aging process and retain their youthful appearances. Plastic surgery is their anti-aging "vitamin". The American public is also intrigued by the anti-aging process and anti-aging vitamins. However, with a diet of anti-aging vitamins you can actually reduce the effects of aging! Anti-aging may be more simple than plastic surgery!

Our body's cells die at a faster rate than new cells can be generated, thus the aging process. Poor diets cause inadequate nutrition which then results in premature aging, destruction and increased potential for chronic diseases, cancer, and other degenerative diseases. Clearly an anti-aging vitamin or vitamins is needed. Can it exist in an anti-aging vitamin?

A bad diet causes the body to produce vast quantities of free radicals. Our anti-aging diet needs to include antioxidants which react with these free radicals. Not having enough of the right vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants affects the ravaging effects of the aging process. Insufficient nutrition contributes to poor cardiovascular health, poor eyesight, and a weakened immune system. Good quality nutritional supplements can help in all these areas.

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer in America. Vitamin E appears to actually reduce the death rate from heart disease.. Vitamin C is also a strong predictor of mortality. The Vitamin C levels are a strong predictor, even among Americans with cardiovascular disease or cancer.

You should choose anti-aging nutritional supplements which contain Vitamins A, B, C, and E. You can get these from dark green leafy vegetables. Examples: Kale, mustard, and collard greens. (I don't know about you, but I'd rather take nutritional supplements that contain the nutrients than eat those leafy greens.) Orange fruits and vegetables like oranges are carrots are also sources.
By Keith Standifer

Friday, June 1, 2007

Teen Body Building

Teen body building is forever increasing in popularity. I see my 13 year old son and his friends, already pumping iron. I believe it has to do with self-esteem and looking good for the girls. It gives them self-confidence because he continually shows me how big his muscles are getting.

I was a little concerned at first, because teen body building at 13 seemed somewhat young to me. But further research showed that there's really no age barrier for teens to begin body building. After all, today's teens are usually big and strong. Their bodies seems to be ready. It's not any tougher than playing sports, which is just as demanding on the body, if not more.

Teen body building is best suited for 15 year olds and up, but many 13-14 year old boys are already well developed beyond their years. They're still growing, but body building only re-enforces their strenght. However, in teen body building, the focus should be a program designed to building an all-around physique for good health and athletics, instead of purely for size.

Am I worried if he burns too many calories if he doesn't take supplements. Heck no, not the way my boy and most boys of his age eat. Actually, with most statistics showing our teenagers being slightly obese, it's a good idea they take up teen body building. Of course if you see he's becoming serious about body building as a teen, then you as a parent should start monitoring his calorie intake and consider the proper supplements for teen body building.

Keep in mind that a teenager is in school for most of the day, and therefore can't eat six meals a day. This is where the protein bars come into play. They are a much better choice than those sugar-filled granola bars.

Just as in regular body building for adults, teen body building is not much different. They still have to space their meals for every 2-3 hours, or 5 - 6 times a day. That's kind of difficult in school, but they are in high school and college, so they do get 5 minute breaks walking to their next class. So technically, between breakfast, lunch, and dinner, there's really only two spaces to fill.

The diet in teen body building should basically be the same as an adult, rich in proteins, essential fatty acids, fibers, etc. I definitely would keep them away from creatine monohydrate until they have fully developed as a teen, or about the age of 18.

Teen body building and training is not any different then adult training, according to my research. Never train the same muscle group two day in a row. Don't over train, and get enough rest. My son needs his 10 hours of sleep otherwise, he's in one hell of a mood. Teen body building is just as demanding so make sure you get at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep. Alcohol is a no, no.
By Jonathan G. Michel

Diabetic Testing Supplies

Diabetic testing supplies are critical for diabetes management. Primarily they involve strips to put a blood sample on and a machine to analyze the blood and give a blood sugar reading. There is also the lancet that is used to draw blood.

Generally the strips are compatible with one type of analysis machine so you select your machine first. Once you have purchased a machine it will last you for a long time and the only thing you have to replace are the testing strips. Testing strips are usually disposed of after one use so the cost of testing strips might be a consideration when you decide to buy an analysis machine as it will be a recurring cost.

So the major initial expense of testing supplies is the blood reading meter or machine. There is a huge variation in prices and this reflects the number of features that each meter has.

Some things to consider are the number of results that the meter can store. A history of your readings is handy to work out how your blood sugar levels change over a month or year. As you gain more information like this you can take better control of your diabetes. You can experiment with diets to see which diet requires less insulin or you can get an accurate picture of the amount of insulin you might need if you are planning ahead.

You may also be interested in the time it takes to analyze the blood. Most machines will return a reading within 10 seconds so it probably isn't an issue.

The size and look of the machine might be a consideration. If you need to take your blood reading in public you may want to have a small, unobtrusive machine. The power source might also be important. Is the power source a standard battery type, like an AA battery or a more expensive lithium type battery.

The lancet is a way of pricking the finger to take a blood sample. As you test your blood more often you get used to the idea of having to break skin and draw blood but it can be off putting at first.

Lancets are designed to make the process as pain free as possible. Most lancets are operated by placing the device over the finger or part of the body you are using and pressing a button on the top of the lancet. This will cause the needle to enter the skin and retract instantly hence minimizing bruising and pain.

All these supplies can be bought on line or off line. It is advisable to establish the brand of supplies that you like before buying on line so that you know what you are getting and you know that it will suit your needs.
By Adrian Whittle

How Supportive Are You?

Do you want your loved ones to quit smoking, your dad, mom, girl friend, boy friend, friends and relatives to kick the butt and stay smoke free? How helpful are you in helping them change their habit? Are you supportive enough or are you the kind who knows only how to complain and ridicule the smokers? If so it’s a high time you lend a helping hand and change your “holier than thou” attitude. Time and again we keep on pointing our fingers at smokers and even ridicule them when they say they are about to quit. Non-smokers always have this attitude that they are clean and that they totally hate smokers and consider them to be some kind of disease spreaders. Do you think that a smoker doesn’t want to quit smoking? I doubt there would be any smoker who doesn’t want to quit, they all wanna quit, and it’s just that they are not strong enough to try on their own. That’s the reason why they need your love and support more than anything else.

Since the addiction of nicotine is much harder to kick than heroin, cocaine and alcohol, smokers often fail in their attempt to quit smoking. Nicotine works in the brain by activating dopamine which is a neurotransmitter and is responsible for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Therefore when people begin to depend on nicotine, it controls them; it affects their behavior and moods. The addictive nature of Nicotine is that it is a stimulant and also a depressant.

Therefore, if a smoker finds it difficult to quit, do not laugh at him/her instead understand their situation and give a shoulder to lean on. You don’t need to do much just believe in them, become their activity partner, give them your trust, motivate and cheer them up when they are on the brink of giving up. You can help your loved ones to quit by being supportive and by lending an ear and listening to whatever they have to share. The most important thing is accept them as they are, encourage them but never force them to quit smoking.

You may also give presents like nicotine replacement products and medicines to make their quitting easier. If you go for the medicines, chantix by Pfizer which is also known as champix in European countries is the best choice. It has been used by many people and is giving quite remarkable results. Due to its effectiveness thousands of smokers are able to quit smoking.

Chantix is not a nicotine replacement nor is addictive, it is a prescription medicine approved by FDA for the treatment of anti-smoking in adults. It works in the brain by undoing whatever nicotine had done. It also diminishes the taste of cigarette i.e. even if a smoker smokes after taking chantix he doesn’t feel the same taste or pleasure he used to feel before. Further, it remarkably cuts down the cravings or the urge to have cigarette.

So if you want your loved ones to quit smoking change your attitude and buy chantix for them. You will remember this great act of yours with fond memories in days to come. Isn’t it overwhelming to know that because of you somebody could quit their bad habit? Your loved ones will be thankful to you through out their life for saving them from preventive death.
By Sandy Tonsing